Sunday, December 12, 2010
Movie News; Details about new tips for Alien & Prequel
Even if we have heard on next movie news about exotic past Director Ridley Scott for a long time, the details were rare. We've heard rumblings of a colonial General sailor female, casting potential role for and a reference to a foreigner who Scott sent to as jockey space, but otherwise, we are nearly in the dark. However, the Vulture, who was responsible for much of the scoops to these best has a series of new updates. First of all, give this sucker one title because the atmosphere has apparently been dubbed paradise. But it's not all because there even more info below.
In addition to the new movie news, Vulture reveals that the atmosphere is more or less a restart of the alien franchise. It seems like history always takes place years before the events of the exotic, but paradise is once more with a group of passenger space isolated lying face to face with a monstrous stranger starts the crew to kill one right after another. I hope that this is not a rehash devoid of life of the original because to make these best mostly irrelevant and be a waste of some talented players. Speaking of actors, while no official offer were made, there are many other names in the race.
Although everyone is used to a strong woman leading the charge against the foreigners, there is room in the space for more girls. Apparently, Scott is interested to give female role "difficult but sexy" Vickers to Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and tomorrow never dies). It is not an obvious choice and it is quite the background of the action, it is an asset. But the character more interesting reveals Vulture is perhaps that will be fully digital, but brought to life by a player's motion capture effects. While you may think mocap master Andy Serkis is perfect for the job, apparently the casting call specifically seeks a player who is six feeet, five inches tall.
Although all these information seems totally intriguing, latest update Twitter account of 20th Century Fox has us sceptic. Senior Vice President of Corporate communications to update their power by saying: "I don't know where begin correcting what is to be written on a certain Ridley Scott project…" it seems like there might be some floating false information, but no specific details have been Demystified. Just to be safe, take these new details with a grain of salt until the official word from surfaces. Personally, I just want to go into production already. At least recent rumours of a period of production are false, so it seems that the first film will still see the light of day in the next year or two instead of 2013 or 2014. What do you think of this new information?
Filed Under : Movie Recently Released, Movie News
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