Friday, February 11, 2011

Javier Bardem on Bond 23 Roll

A few days ago signaled Darren Javier Bardem was approached to a roll in the latest Bond film, and now these rumours were confirmed.
THE times
"The actor, who is being nominated Oscar for his work of lead in the drama of the"Summer"Spanish language and who won in 2008 for another villainous role in"For no. Country for Old Men", did not say yes Mendes - again." He wants to read the first scenario. But judging by the smile on his face when we spoke on Monday, he is very open to the idea.

"I'm a big fan of James Bond saga" says Bardem. "When I was a kid, I'm watching Mr. Sean Connery, doing the James bond with my father." Who in the world thinks that I would be in one of these films? »

CB deal for him, if there is one, will, as always, if the hardware does hold up. But Bardem, was intrigued by what Mendes him meeting. "They're change the whole thing, the whole dynamic." I play nemesis of Bond, Yes, but it is not clear that. Anything that is more nuanced. It is very intriguing. »

I won't pretend that I am familiar with the actor, I have never anything because he was. But I hear great things, and since it is named oscar, I don't know it is an excellent choice. I am curious of what he/she be nemisis Bond, but its not obvious. I know Goldeneye already has the very bad spy thing, but I'd like to see Daniel Craig go against another foreign spy who is equal amounts of ridiculous badass.
Thoughts, friends? OH and whats Javier Bardem, best roll so I can find it when I have time.

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