Thursday, January 6, 2011
Movie news update | "Social Network" will return to theaters on January
If you haven't had the pleasure of sitting in a movie theatre to watch engaging story of David Fincher's Mark Zuckerberg and his creation of Facebook in movie news update the Social Network, you get a chance before the Oscars. In an effort to create more awareness and buzz for generating definition drama, critically acclaimed Sony Pictures decided to release the film in 600 theatres on Friday, January 7. The estimates of the date limit, the second theatrical run is expected to push more than 200 million in worldwide box office (the film is about 3 million shy now). Personally, I would not well seen the movie news update for the fourth time in classrooms.Yes, I loved the Social network rather suggest reviewing yet (you'll see how when my Top ten movies of 2010 is published later this week), but for those who can't make theatres, the output DVD and Blu - Ray hits shelves Tuesday, January 11 film next. And if you're like me and you liked the Social network, then you should probably move it up at Amazon. They have it at lower price than anyone with version only costs $12.99 DVD and Blu - Ray release at a price of $16.99. And don't forget to check the new awards slick centered website for the film awards season heats. You'll see the new Social Network?
Filed Under:. Hype, Movie News, Opinions
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