Monday, January 24, 2011
Syd Mead signs Elysium design
Posted by Ian Ivwillno 20. 01 2011in News Chat
Visionary cinema and science fiction legend Syd Mead has signed for designing sets of Neill Blomkamp Elysium next flick. For those of you who don't know who Mr. Mead (shame on you!), it is the artist of the future-mad concept worked on aliens of Blade Runner, Tron and designed Johnny 5 of short Circuit (and ehh… cough….) (Timecop). "I called science fiction" reality ahead of schedule. " "is a great quote from man. It is well worth a check out. Not much yet Elysium, other then it you star, Matt Damon, Jodie Foster and Sharlto Copley, and is set to 100 years in the future.
Now, after District 9 and this trailer viral Elysium (with my friends fear hahaha seriously), I was already very drawn to it, but with the addition of Syd Mead match this film to another level of ness "DAMN, I need to see it." I would love if this ends up being another sci-fi iconic looking. Thoughts?
[Note: the image above is Syd Mead concept art of Blade Runner, not Elysium s.]
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